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Botanical Terms

1. ________________ with both sexes in one plant ("one house")

2. _________________ upper limit of tree growth (timberline)

3. _________________ the strands of fibrovascular tissue in a leaf

4. _________________ reproductive structure with at least 1 pistil/stamen

5. _________________ with one midrib with branching smaller veins

6. _________________ a point on a shoot where a leaf, flower, bud, etc. is attached

7. _________________ growth form/ shape of a plant

8. _________________ a dry, 1-seeded winged fruit

9. _________________ part at the end of the stamen that contains pollen in one or more pollen sacs

10. _________________ one of the smaller leaf-like portions of a compound leaf

11. _________________ a dry, 1-celled, dehiscent fruit

12. _________________ in two vertical rows

13. _________________ female flower structure with stigma + style + ovary

14. _________________ a small nutlike part of a compound fruit

15. _________________ with only male or female parts on a plant

16. _________________ the stalk of a leaf

17. _________________ the mature ovary of a flower containing one or more seeds

18. _________________ the dead interior wood of the trunks and large branches of trees

19. _________________ a fleshy fruit with more than one seed

20. _________________ having the sexes on 2 different trees ("two houses")

21. _________________ a compound leaf with the leaves along a common rachis

22. _________________ a fused cluster of fruits each from a separate flower

23. _________________ the central petiole-like stalk of a compound leaf or flower cluster

24. _________________ a fruit that does not split open

25. _________________ all of the petals on a flower

26. _________________ radiately lobed or compound OR with radiating veins

27. _________________ a fruit developed from several ovaries but one flower

28. _________________ plant secretion that is insoluble in water and soluble in ether/alcohol

29. _________________ a tree with naked seeds on the upper surface of the cone scales

30. _________________ the flat or expanded portion of a leaf

31. _________________ planted and maintained by man

32. _________________ the highest terminal shoot of a plant

33. _________________ elongated cluster of unisex flowers subtended by scale-like bracts

34. _________________ a plant in which the seeds are enclosed in the ovary (flowering)

35. _________________ a hard-shelled, 1-seeded oak nut with a scaly base cup

36. _________________ a sharp ridge or rib

37. _________________ a cavity in an ovary/fruit containing ovules/seeds respectively

38. _________________ the mass of branches, leaves, etc at the tree top (determines shape)

39. _________________ modified leaf near a flower or fruit, usually at the base

40. _________________ the scar left on a twig when a leaf falls off

41. _________________ the central vein of a leaf

42. _________________ ringlike scar left on a twig when a leaf falls off

43. _________________ a plant with one cotyledon

44. _________________ a dry, 1-celled dehiscent fruit with thicker walls than capsules

45. _________________ spread from cultivation and now growing and reproducing without aid

46. _________________ a very narrow leaf in pines, spruces, etc.

47. _________________ with both male and female organs in one flower

48. _________________ a leaf divided into smaller parts (leaflets)

49. _________________ woody plant smaller than a tree; w/ several stems from one base (a bush)

50. _________________ a dry, 1-seeded fruit with a thick hard indehiscent shell

51. _________________ the soft innermost stem tissue

52. _________________ thin stalk of a stamen (with anther on top)

53. _________________ smooth margin

54. _________________ with the leaf edge divided into fine tooth-like points

55. _________________ twice pinnately compound

56. _________________ outer covering of the trunk and branches of a tree

57. _________________ splitting apart along a groove (fruit)

58. _________________ an arrangement of 3 or more leaves in a circle

59. _________________ the small structure in an ovary that holds the seed/seeds

60. _________________ a conical fruit with seed-bearing overlapping scales

61. _________________ male structure with the filament + anther

62. _________________ occurring naturally (indigenous)

63. _________________ a fleshy fruit with a central stone-like core

64. _________________ a short side twig

65. _________________ a tubular envelope (such as at needle cluster base)

66. _________________ a woody plant with an erect perennial trunk at least 13 ft tall and 3 ft in diameter

67. _________________ tiny dot-like gland/pore that usually secretes a fluid

68. _________________ a cone-bearing tree

69. _________________ fertilized and matured ovule containing a plant embryo

70. _________________ leaf, branches, buds, etc. on both sides at a node

71. _________________ a small, dry, seed-like fruit with a thin indehiscent covering

72. _________________ tip of the pistil which receives pollen

73. _________________ all of the sepals of a flower

74. _________________ the hard portion of a stem between the pith and the bark

75. _________________ margin with larger teeth with smaller teeth on them

76. _________________ a dry, thin-walled, dehiscent fruit with 2 or more seeds

77. _________________ young growing twig/stem

78. _________________ persistent, with leaves throughout the winter season

79. _________________ not persistent (falling in winter season)

80. _________________ a fruit developed from a single ovary

81. _________________ the space between 2 leaf lobes

82. _________________ a compact drooping cluster of stalkless flowers (usually imperfect)

83. _________________ part of the pistil that is thin and elongated between the ovary and stigma

84. _________________ the petiole extension on compound leaves with branching leaflets

85. _________________ describes a plant that is not native

86. _________________ layer of living cells between inner bark and sapwood (w/growth)

87. _________________ encloses beginning of a new branch

88. _________________ a plant with 2 cotyledons

89. _________________ the enlarged base of the pistil with one or more ovules

90. _________________ a plant with mixed parentage (2 species)

91. _________________ successfully established by man and reproducing naturally where not native

92. _________________ leaves arranged one leaf per node

93. _________________ a fruit with a fleshy outer tissue and papery-walled inner chamber with seeds

94. _________________ a leaf-like scale at the base of a leafstalk in some trees


Botanical Terms Word Bank


  Alternate                                                         Pinnnately compound

Angiosperm                                                      Pinnately veined

Anther                                                              Pistil

Axis                                                                 Pith

Bark                                                                 Resin

Bipinnately compound                                       Ring scar

Bisexual                                                            Seed

Blade                                                               Sheath

Bract                                                                Sinus

Bud                                                                  Shoot

Calyx                                                               Shrub

Cambium                                                          Spur

Cell                                                                  Stamen

Compound                                                       Stigma

Conifer                                                             Stipule

Corolla                                                             Style

Crown                                                              Toothed

Cultivated                                                         Treeline

Deciduous                                                        Tree

Dehiscent                                                         Two-ranked

Dicot                                                                Unisexual

Dioecious                                                         Veins

Doubly toothed                                                Whorl

Entire                                                               Wood


Evergreen                                                         Fruit Types                                      

Filament                                                           Achene

Flower                                                             Acorn

Fruit                                                                 Aggregate

Gland-dot                                                         Berry

Gymnosperm                                                    Capsule

Habit                                                                Catkin

Heartwood                                                       Cone

Hybrid                                                              Drupe

Indehiscent                                                       Follicle

Introduced                                                        Key

Keel                                                                 Multiple fruit

Leader                                                             Nut

Leaflet                                                              Nutlet

Leaf scar                                                          Pod

Midvein                                                            Pome

Monocot                                                          Simple Fruit



Native                                                              Leaf Shapes

Naturalized                                                       Elliptical

Node                                                               Lanceolate

Opposite                                                          Linear

Ovary                                                               Oblanceolate

Ovule                                                               Oblong

Palmately                                                          Obovate

Petiole                                                              Ovate